Early Beginnings

The club came into being after a discussion between two Charter Members, Cyril Jonas, DTM, and Daniel Teh, CTM, who were keen to set up a club that emphasized quality over quantity and would ensure the journey through the Toastmasters manual would be as worthwhile, or even more valuable, than the achievements themselves. Too many Toastmasters, they felt, raced through the manuals to obtain the coveted titles of CC, ACB, and so on, without pausing to reflect whether or not they have substantially improved through all the speeches that they make. Elite would be different. Titles would take secondary stage at Elite. If a member needed help in English language, mentors would step in to recommend corrective action before green-lighting the member for the next speech. This way, members and the club would grow in quality.
The Formation
Cyril and Daniel then roped in other like-minded Toastmasters, such as Jack Lim, CTM, Choy Kwok Ming, CTM, Zakie Shariff, CTM, Hashim Adnan, CTM, and Zarina Abu Bakar, CTM. This core group then recruited more Toastmasters sympathetic to the cause. Meetings were held in various locations around Kuala Lumpur – Palace of the Golden Horses, Sheraton Subang, and other spots before finally settling in to its current home, The Royal Lake Club in Kuala Lumpur. Networking and the exchange of ideas have always been part of Elite’s raison d’etre and as such, we make it a point to precede most of our meetings with a proper sit-down dinner to enable meaningful conversations whether around personal interests or the current issues of the day. No subject is taboo, provided that the subject is communicated tactfully, reasonably and intelligently. No personal attacks are allowed, of course.
Chartering Stage
After one and a half years of struggling through meetings and being nomadic, the Club finally got chartered in March 2014, with Ahmad Zakie Shariff as its Charter President. Elite Toastmasters Club has adopted the mission of “Building Articulate and Vibrant Leaders” – nurturing members who can energise their environment and community, especially through their speeches and action, and bring a positive change to the people around them.
and Beyond…
We continue to attract new and established speakers of good calibre as well as members who are committed to the learning process of becoming better speakers and leaders.
List of Current & Past Presidents
Pro tem – Ahmad Zakie Ahmad Shariff
2014/2015 – Zarina Abu Bakar, ACB CL
2015/2016 – Lee Chen Choon, ACS
2016/2017 – Lee Chengrui, TM
2017/2018 – Lee Kia Jie, CC
2018/2019 – Diane Law, ACB ALB
Join Us Today!
If you share the same vision or looking for ways elevate your professional career and personal life, come join us! Elite Toastmasters Club membership is opened to public.